21 Steps to a More Stylish You - Online Style Course

Look as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside and feel more confident with yourself and your style! 

Do you feel that your style is letting you down?

You are not alone! Many women feel that way.

Perhaps you feel you never have the time to look good.

Or maybe your body has changed and you do not know how to dress it anymore.

You may not be happy with your body anymore and feel like hiding it.

Perhaps you feel that you can't afford to look good.

Or you don’t recognise who you are anymore and feel like you have lost your way when it comes to style.

Why is it important to pay attention to your style?

My own style was not always fabulous.

I did not feel that I had time to pay attention to my clothes or worry about accessories and details.

But guess what?

When I didn't pay attention to my appearance and the way I looked, I started to feel really bad about myself.

I stopped feeling feminine or pretty and I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I did not recognize that frumpy woman who looked older than her years and was not showing an image of the confident, fun, enterpreneurial woman that I am!

Not only will you see someone you don’t relate to, so will others.

The way you look should tell something about you. Your style should reflect your personality and your outlook on life.

Did you know that people make up their mind about you in just a few seconds?
Scary, but true!

If your style does not reflect who you are and how you want to feel or if you don't feel comfortable in the clothes that you wear, it will affect your happiness, opportunities and confidence.

Why not do something about it?

I have found that it’s really important to feel good in your clothes.

Not only will you LOOK better, you will also FEEL better. You will feel more CONFIDENT and HAPPY!

And looking better can be a lot easier than you think!

I have learned that taking myself through some simple steps, I can look good every day with little effort.

All that is required is some self knowledge and a few simple tricks that can instantly make a difference.

Discover it for yourself and go on a style journey.

Find out what makes you feel confident, beautiful and stylish!

In 21 steps you will discover more about your own body, your personality, your style preferences and learn how to apply them to your unique self.

In each lesson you will learn something unique about yourself and your style.

What you will find out may just surprise you!

By the end of the course you will:

understand your style and make smarter buying decisions

know how to dress for your personality and body

how to take your style to the next level so you can feel more beautiful, more confident and more like yourself!

This style course is for you if

You want to learn how to have fun with fashion!

You want to feel better about the way you look which will ultimately make you happier

You want to feel more confident

You want to have some simple tricks and guidelines that create flattering looks

You want to be more attractive to others

You are stuck in a style rut and don’t know how to get out

You just want to spend some time on YOU!

Hi I'm Sylvia!

I'm the founder of 40plusstyle.com and the 40+Style Club. My site & style courses have already helped thousands of women over 40 ignite their style.

I believe that we can all look fabulous no matter our age, size or lifestyle. Looking good helps you feel better about yourself and therefore happier and more confident in your day-to-day life.

I created the 21 steps to a More Stylish You course, so you can finally develop your own signature style that makes you feel happy and confident!

If you like more support in your style journey, our expert stylist Ruth and the other women in the community are here to support you in your journey to feel amazing every single day.

I can't wait to connect with you!

How will this course help you?

  • Understand your body and learn how to enchance your best features.
  • Get to know your own style personality and why this is so important for your style.
  • Find out what needs to stay and what needs to go in your wardrobe.
  • Learn about the golden ratio and silhouette and how this magic formula can instantly improve all your outfits.
  • Discover the essentials of a truly unique style and how to achieve you can apply them to your desired style.
  • Find out how to mix and match your outfits like a pro so you will always have something to wear.
  • Learn about the right colors that work for you and how they can make a huge difference to your overall appearance.
  • Learn why textures and print can take an outfit from boring to exciting, even is small doses.
  • Find out why accessories are essential can instantly transform your style even when you're on a budget.
  • Discover the best hairstyle for your face shape.

Course structure

21 masterclasses on one aspect of style that will help you define and refine your style divided over 21 steps:

STEP 1-4: Discover and understand your current style (personality), body type and lifestyle

STEP 5-9: Define and find your ideal style and the ideal silhouette, learn about proportions, the right colors for you and levels of refinement

STEP 10-14Finetune your style and set the stage for the ideal wardrobe. Learn how to mix & match and how to achieve the right wardrobe balance

STEP 15-18: Perfect and highlight your style with the perfect finishing touches. Learn how to wear prints, shoes, jewelry and other accessories

STEP 19-21  Learn about the best makeup for you and find the best hairstyle. Then get ready to put it all together and feel and look amazing!

What Previous Participants Are Saying

"I’ve really enjoyed Sylvia’s style course. At first, I questioned whether I would have time to complete this. But as the days passed, I found myself hooked on learning the new concept and “playing” in my closet to attempt the style assignments. I’m not a “selfie” taking person, but I now have a catalog of outfit photos in my phone and on pinterest.

On the weekends, I’ve found myself putting together outfits for fun, documenting them with a photo and then I’m ready to go with my work week. This has been a great investment of my time. Overall, I now understand why I like certain outfits and how to apply these basic concepts. I highly recommend this course."

Lydia Leigh

"Although I didn’t have the time to really spend on this course, I was able to read each day’s material and took a lot of the information to use each day.

What I enjoyed the most is this information has made me think when I’m putting my outfits together.

One example is that I wore a long necklace with my work outfit recently and I had so many compliments on the necklace with my outfit. I rarely wear necklaces.

This told me to do it more often. It made me think about my outfits. Thank you Sylvia for offering this course. Next time I will put more time into the homework!"

Karen v P

"This course helped me better understand all the elements that went into and make up style.

The assignments for each section were very helpful in thinking through what works for you as an individual.

The course isn’t something that you can do quickly as the assignments took thought. Planning the outfits for each photo assignment took thought as well.

It has enabled me to be a more “conscious” dresser. I really enjoyed the course. The art of personal adornment should not be something we hate or dread, it should be fun. This course was fun!"

Vickie Hutcheson

Exclusive Bonus 1

private members-only facebook group with expert stylist

(a $397 value)

Through doing, practising and feedback is how you learn!

Many of the 21 steps participants practise the style steps in our private community. They answer their style assignments and upload their images.

Although this is optional, experience has taught us that women who actively particpate in the group will get the most out of the course.

You will learn the most through DOING and the feedback you will receive from our stylist as well as the other participants is invalueable!

Feedback from previous 21 steps participants within the community

Your 40+Style Club style mentors

Sylvia van de Logt is the founder of 40plusstyle.com, the 40+Style Club and creator of the 21 Steps to a More Stylish You course.

Her site & style courses have alrready helped thousands of women over 40 ignite their style. She will be your guide in finding your own true style and live your life with confidence and joy.

Ruth Essex is our expert stylist and image consultant who will be your go-to person for style advice in the community.

She will help you define your best colors and gives detailed feedback on why particular looks work or don't work, always bearing your own personal style, personality and body shape in mind.

How the course helped these women!

"Bravo Sylvia! I can’t say enough good things about this course. It contains detailed information and an interactive process that result in real learning about the topic of style.

I was able to set achievable goals for myself and apply lessons that transformed my style.Examining yourself through the lens of personal style is a challenging process but the results are so rewarding."

Elaine Lasher

"Sylvia provided content and guidance in all of the 21 Steps.

I truly feel more confident about my style and understand myself better.

It is a stellar style course….hands on and fun. Exactly what I needed at this time in my life.

Thank you, Sylvia!"


"Sylvia’s course allows you to really figure out what your own personal best style is and to just work with your own unique body and your own personality and I can’t say how refreshing and freeing it was!

I just feel like I know what I really should and shouldn’t be looking for in clothing and what I don’t even need to waste my time and money on."


BONUS 2: Advanced training on creating the perfect silhoutte 

(A $97 value)

All new members get immediate access to our guide on creating a great silhouette using the rule of thirds.

Following this rule is one of the easiest things you can do to get your outfits looking amazing every single time.

Using the rule of thirds will:

  • Make you look taller
  • Make you look slimmer
  • Hide your belly
  • Create an overall flattering silhoutte that is modern and youthful.

Applying the rule of thirds is not difficult to do at all and understanding this rule will lift your style game 100%

"I learned so much from this course. The rule of thirds was a real eye-opener!" 


BONUS 3: Makeup & grooming training

(a $97 value)

No matter your style, age, or what you wear, our faces are usually the first thing people notice when they meet us. Our face communicates so much to the world, so why not make it the message we want to send?

If we take good care of our skin and enhance our beauty with natural looking makeup, we are sending the message that we are vibrant, beautiful women ready to take life on.

In this premium style training you will turn your attention away from  clothing and set the groundwork for beauty by creating a daily skincare regimen.

Then, you’ll create a makeup capsule. A “wardrobe” of basic makeup products in colors that flatter your complexion with products that fit your lifestyle to enhance your own unique beauty.



Accessories Me Confident & Beautiful Course

(a $197 value)

Although the 21 steps course covers everything you need about style, you may like to take your knowledge one step further with our advanced course on accessories.

You will get access to this bonus after completing the course and can take your journey to amazing style one step further.

  •  Discover why accessories are the essential finishing touch for every outfit
  • Discover how to accessorize for each ocassion 
  • Discover how accessories can make you look taller and slimmer!



Goals setting & style planner course

(a $97 value)

Setting a clear intention is so important

 This is where the text for this bonus will be. This will be the January training on setting style goals and creating a plan for your style moving forwards.



Advanced Color Training

(a $194 value)

The joy of colour is that it can bring our features to life, make us look healthier, and help us create balance and harmony, physically and mentally, in our outfits.

In our premium training on color you will go into depth about all aspects of color and how you can discover the right colors for your complexion.

Also learn to differentiate between:

  • warm to cool;
  • bright or soft-muted; and
  • light to deep.
  • color contract


0:05 Karen talks about how the course helped her dress for the changing workplace; 1:45 one of the best things about the course for her

2:50 What Judith enjoyed about the course and why she appreciated honest feedback

4:05 Why Cheryl joined the course; 4:29 How the course saved her a lot of money! 6:07 one of the most important things she learned

7:42 Why Elaine joined the course; 8:49 What she liked best; 9:59 How learning about color made a big impact

Personal stories from Jamie and Ellen!

"Style metamorphosis! My picture on the left was my idea of adding color to my wardrobe. A big Oops on the warm brown capris, the white t-shirt which cut me in half and the warm orange bag and scarf. I could not have explained to you at the time why this outfit did not work. I feel like Sylvia and Ruth have taught us the “why” of style, not just what to wear. I’m excited for the next phase."


"Here is my before and after photo of how my style acumen has changed through the challenges, style club, and of course, Sylvia's inspiration.

I'm finally learning to embrace my personal style, and know what looks good and doesn't, and then make educated decisions on what I wear.

I still need tons of feedback and to continue learning, so I'm so glad the style club is here!"


Frequently Asked Questions

How will this course be conducted?

This course takes place online and you can take part from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This is a LIVE version of the course which means that many women will go through the course at the same time and you will get lots of feedback on any looks you upload or information you share. 

After registration you will start your online course in the private course area of the site. You will get instant access to the first step and then get a new step every 4 days.

This will allow you to do any style assignments (recommended but optional) which you can share in the private community and get feedback from our stylist Ruth.

Do I have to buy any new clothes?

That's up to you. We recommend going through the course as whole before buying new clothes as you will get a much clearer idea of your unique style and which clothes suit you. By the end of the course you will create an action plan and you have probably identified a few gaps in your wardrobe that you may want to fill. You can now shop with intention and will know exactly what to buy.

What kind of women are taking this course? I'm 60 already, is that too old?
Absolutely not! Women of all ages have taken this course and benefited from it.

What is the difference between the 21 steps course and the Style club?

The style club can be seen as a next step to the style course where we offer continued support from our stylist. It's ideal for those who want to continue their style learnings after the course dureation (2 months). Only graduates of the 21 steps style course can become members of the 40+style club.

I'm not very technical. Is this course easy to use?
Yes! We kept the site super simple and easy to navigate. All you need to do is login and just browse like a normal website. If you're opting in for additional support the community group is on Facebook which makes it very easy to interact and upload images.

Do I have to be on Facebook?

The 21 Steps course is fully online, so you don't need to be on Facebook. However, if you like the extra support and feedback from our style mentor and the other course participants, you wll need to have a Facebook account.

In what currency is the price?
All quoted prices are in US$

What happens after I paid?

You will get a welcome email with your access info to the site. You will get immediate access to the first step in the course and you can request access to the private 21 Steps to a More Stylish you group. If you can’t find the email, please check your Junk Mail folder or send a note to [email protected].

What is your refund policy?
If the course is not right for you we offer a full refund within 14 days of your purchase. Simply send us an email and we will refund you.

Are you ready to get more style and save lots of money from not buying the wrong clothes?

Then you will love the 21 Steps to a More Stylish You Course that will change your style and how you feel about yourself forever.

You will earn back the fee of admission many times from not spending on the wrong clothes that you never wear. Instead, you will buy less and buy better and will always have something fabulous to wear!


still have questions?

If we didn't answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.

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