If you have been going through some previous articles on how to find your passion and discover the work you love or how to find you why, but you are still not completely clear on this, you may like to do some further brainstorming. In this article, let's discuss how you can use a mind map to get clarity!
You may have lots of ideas which go back and forth in your head which means you cannot focus on actually turning these ideas into a reality.
That's where mind mapping can be helpful. It helps you to organise your ideas and see how they all link together. It can help you to set priorities and can give you a clear picture in front of you of what you still need to do to reach your objectives.
Mindmapping can help with this, as the brain responds to visual images and experiencing things. According to Tony Buzan, the inventor of mind mapping, "the brain's language is not english or german but images and association".
What exactly is mind mapping?
The Wikipedia definition of a mind map is: "A diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea."
You take one idea, problem, skill that you want to learn, that the centre of a piece of paper. After that you will write everything down that is associated with that idea using branches and sub-branches.
It can be good way to find out about your passion and skills too.
Below is a video from the inventor of mind maps Tony Buzan. This is good informative video mind mapping and how you can use it. More information on Tony Buzan can be found on his website.
How to use a mind map
Say for example that you are not sure where you are going in your life, career or with your business. Get a piece of paper or use a program like Mindomo. There are many more applications and you can find a list here.
Lay down your paper horizontally and start in the centre of the page. Your mind map will be more powerful if you use color and images so if possible, draw an image of your central idea. And use colours for all your 'branches'.
Write the words "passion" or "what I would like to do" in the middle and write everything down that has something to do with that. What you would love to do, what you don't like to do, what things you are really good at, ideas for achieving your goals, what you will need to learn to pursue your passion, your strengths and weaknesses etc. Make main branches from your main central idea and then sub-branches from there and let them all flow (better not to have straight lines) and where possible make the mind map come alive with images.
After you have done this have a look at your mind map.
- What stands out?
- What are the recurring themes?
- What are your best ideas?
You can then take it a step further and make your best idea the centre of your next mind map and create a separate mind map from that idea.
How can it help?
Mind mapping is meant to nurture and teach the brain. It can help you to focus on your goal or achieve your vision. A mind map can help teach your brain how to learn, focus your attention and increase mental capability.
So in summary, creating a mind map can:
- Give you a clearer idea of your thoughts
- Help you to set priorites
- Help you to stay focussed on your goal
- Incerease your learning capacity
What do you need to get clearer in your head right now?
I encourage you to start creating your own mind maps. Have you ever created a mindmap? Was it useful to you?
Photo Credit: MyThoughtsMindMaps