The True Potential podcast helps you tap into your fullest, truest potential. Short but impactful, these conversations will help you to manage your mind and discover what you're truly capable of.
Gratitude for what you did and what you will do
Why you'll want to take LOTS of action
How to stick to your resolutions this year
From overwhelm to productivity
Embracing the practice
Read Seth Godin's book: the Practice
Why you'll want to create your own personal bucket list
Who will you become?
What's possible for you?
Living your life with purpose
Download your personal bucket list guide.
What to eat during your weight loss journey - with Karen Kjaerulff, RDN
Want to lose 10 pounds? Join the program here.
Want to book Karen as your private coach, apply for a free mini session here.
3 myths about losing weight
Prefer to read? Read my article on the myths about losing weight here.
Want to join the program? You can Join Lose 10 pounds here
How to stop overeating
Like to read the article on 40+style, click here.
Loving Your Body, Dressing It Well AND Losing The Weight
The problem with clutter
Are you failing ahead of time?
Emotional balance
Uncovering the truth
Any new episodes can be found below.
Dealing with overwhelm
Upcoming FREE training:
Making decisions
Getting clarity
Comparing yourself to others
Arguing with reality
Loving yourself
Prefer to read? I also wrote about it at The road toward loving yourself.
Finding evidence for your thoughts
The story you tell yourself
Cultivating Self Confidence
The pitfall of perfectionism
Accepting the current moment
Want to make sure you never miss an episode of all the transformational tips and inspirational episodes I share with you? You can subscribe for free to the podcast on Apple podcast. New episodes will then be automatically downloaded into your podcast player. Click here to subscribe.
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This is a wonderful podcast! I am so happy that I listened!
Thanks so much for the feedback. Glad you found it helpful!
Loved your Podcast on Perfectionism Sylvia I can relate extremely well. Thanks for the reminder to fail and learn and grow in confidence and to do things from the heart. Would love to hear more from you on this topic in the future.
Thanks Kim. Will do!
I loved hearing all of the birds in the background. It helped me believe you were really living in the moment.
It's hard not to when you're walking in a park surrounded by beauty 🙂
I too love the podcast in the park with all of those beautiful birds singing in the background. These are very useful and positive, and I do hope you will continue to record and share more of them!
Thanks Cindy. So happy you enjoy my podcast. I'll have to find another park to record an episode as it seems the bird sounds are much appreciated 🙂
Excelente, refrescante y motivador
Muchas gracias
Great you enjoyed it Rosalba!
I enjoyed the podcast - I didn't mind at all that it wasn't edited more. I like the short and focused format. Keep it up!
Thanks so much Cheryl. That's good to know!
Your speaking voice is wonderful. So relaxing and calming for this ADD crazy women. Thank you for the jump start on getting rid of clutter in my closet.
Thank you for your kind feedback Claudia. I'm glad that the podcast helped you in some way 🙂